Who am I?
The Bible tells us that all men were in Adam. How could that be? Well, think of your dad: if he had never have been born, then you wouldn’t have been born, either. You were in your dad in that way. In the same way, your child is in you, and their children, and all those children that will come after you. Because of that, the decisions you make have an impact on successive generations.
The same is true of Adam, but because he was the first man, the decision he made had an impact on the whole human race. The decision he made was to commit the sin of disobedience to God. God had told them not to eat of the fruit of a certain tree in the garden. They were free to eat of everything else, but not that one tree. Read Genesis chapter three if you are unfamiliar with the account of what Adam did. God had given a consequence to Adam, prior to his decision, and told him that if he did eat of the tree he would surely die.
We know according to the Bible that Adam and Eve both ate from that tree, and they did die, not physically or in their soul, but they died spiritually. Because of that spiritual death, they had to leave the Garden of Eden. They were no longer able to fellowship with God; the part of them that had been able was dead now. In that one decision, Adam ceased having three living parts, and now only had two parts to pass on to the children that would come after him. His body and his soul were all that were left, because his spirit was dead. This is what the Bible means when it says in Romans 5:12, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” Because we were in Adam, as future children are in you, then his spiritual decision affected us all.
This is why God in His great mercy sent Jesus Christ. To give us a chance to become once again what God had intended us to be. So that we could be spiritually alive again. All men have the desire to be spiritually alive and will go to great lengths to try and feel alive, but without God who gave life to begin with it is impossible. So Jesus came to earth and took on the form of man, lived a sinless life and on the cross took our sin debt on himself. He died for our sin, just as God had decreed in the garden that the consequence of sin was death. Jesus Christ died for you, in your place, He was placed in the grave for you, and He triumphantly rose from the grave for you, to give you victory over death, hell, and the grave.