Who am I?

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How to develop clear identity.


Many people struggle with who they are and what their true identity is.  As a matter of fact this is why so many young people join gangs or fall in with the “wrong crowd”, they are looking for an identity.  For this reason people have done many things that the may even distain personally but the need for acceptance and desire to have a place to belong is a strong.  everyone has asked the question at one point in their life of who they are, or where they really belong.   As a matter of fact, multitudes of professing Christians struggle with the feeling that somehow they have missed something and there must be something wrong with them since they don’t feel as though they fit in with either the church or the rest of the world. In this article we are going to explore what the Bible says about who we are in Christ and how to accept that new identity so that we can live the abundant life that the Bible talks about, and everyone desires to live.

The beginning of our understanding must come by knowing where we came from and where we are now. To understand this we must go all the way back to the beginning. Genesis 1:1 says, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” What does that have to do with who I am? To know who you are you must first know where you have come from and what got you to the point you were. The Bible clearly teaches that God made all things. On the sixth day God made man and gave him a name. That first man was named Adam, and Genesis 1:26a it says, And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:”. God created man in His own image, not that we all look alike, but that we were created with three parts just like God. We were given a body, which is our physical consciousness, or how we relate to the world around us. We were given a soul, which is our self-conscious, our intellect, our will, and our emotions. The soul is how we know who we are, and relate to others. Thirdly, we were given at creation a spirit. This spirit is our God-conscious, and it is how we communicate to God, and how God communicates to us. The Bible then says in Genesis 2:7, And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. God put life into us with His own breath. Adam then, being the first man, was what you might call the head of the human race. All people are his descendents, he is your great- great- great-… … … …Grandpa.

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