A way out of darkness, answers for the suicidal.

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1. Loss of Power

Four times in the Bible, people committed suicide rather than being captured or killed by an enemy in battle.  These people were Abimelech in Judges 9:53-54, Samson in Judges 16:29-30, Saul in 1 Samuel 31:3-4, and Zimri in 1 Kings 16:18.  In each of these situations, the men had lost hope that they could either escape or that they would be treated fairly. So instead of facing death at the hands of their enemies, they decided to kill themselves first.  All of these men were facing or had experienced a loss of position and power.  They had been kings or judges and feared that because of the way they had treated others, they would be treated just as badly.  They had lived without mercy and feared dying without mercy.  If this describes you, then you need to experience what mercy and forgiveness are through Jesus Christ. Keep reading to find out how.

2. Lack of or Loss of Identity

We see an example of this when the Bible records that Saul’s armor bearer committed suicide upon seeing Saul die in 1 Samuel 31:5. The Bible doesn’t tell us his name, and that is part of the indication of the problem.  This man didn’t have his own identity; his identity was wrapped up in his relationship to King Saul.  Many people have allowed their own identities to be lost in the pursuit of someone else. If something happens to the one they are following, such as death or rejection, because they do not have a secure idea of who they are individually, they lose hope, leaving them in a dangerous position. They may ask themselves, “Who am I without this other person?”  Unfortunately, they may come to the mistaken idea, like Saul’s armor bearer, that they are no one, and because of that, they may attempt suicide.  The truth is that God has offered a new identity to every person that is available to you as well.  This identity is secure and reserved by God just for you. To find out how to lay claim to the identity that God wants you to have, keep reading.

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