Substance Abuse

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Can you be free from addictions?


Ask that question, and you will get a mixed reaction. There are those who would tell you that you are afflicted with a terrible disease, and there is no hope of a full recovery. Once an addict, you will always be an addict they will say. They teach that there may be ways to manage your addiction but no way to overcome it. Those people are not saying what God says on the issue. God has said that when a person comes to Christ for salvation, He gives that person a new life. The old things are passed away, and all       things are new. God says that He can give us life and life more abundant, that if we know Him as our Saviour, He will make us free from the bondage of sin.

As you start this journey of recovery we want you to know that through Christ you can do all things! If you will give yourself completely over to God’s way it will work. Doctors say that the detox times for most substances is anywhere from a week to 10 days depending on the person. That is the time for the substance to be out of your system, and that deals with the actual physical addiction. The problem that we face is that once the body is free from the chemical, the mind still desires the effects. The problem with addiction is more than just a physical problem; it is a thinking problem. God explains this very clearly in His Word. He says in Proverbs 23:7, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.”

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