Bipolar Disorder
These two underlying iniquities are evidence of a misplaced confidence or faith which produces an emotional state that is subject to drastic swings of ups and downs as a person is confronted by temptations and trials. In order to correctly deal with the stormy winds of temptation and trial, you must first deal with these underlying issues. I will acknowledge that many who are in this condition think that their faith is in God, but the presence of these inward iniquities is a clear indication according to the Bible that they have misplaced the genuine faith that they may once have had. Notice that the scripture said that the wisdom of the spirit of envy and strife is not from God, it is the opposite. Envy and strife are said here to be earthly, sensual and devilish. Another way to say that would be that they are of the world, the flesh, and the Devil.
Far too often we excuse away these vile attitudes in a show of false humility or simplythe putting on of sanctimonious self-righteousness. In order to deal with theseissues, you must confess and forsake the iniquity of envy and strife and adjustyour misplaced faith back to the proper foundation of God and His Word. It is then that you can begin to deal withtemptation and trials in the right way. To learn more about this please contact us.